Copyright 2025 Erik Dohmen
Facility Management

Hier zijn regelmatig artikelen te vinden welke te maken hebben met facility management. Dit kunnen specifieke onderwerpen zijn waar mijn aandacht op dit moment naar uit gaat, eigen ervaringen binnen het facility management of anderszins.
Dit keer een stuk over Quality Management (Engelstalig, zodat ook onze collega's het kunnen volgen)

Quality Management
Where does it start... where does it end...

It gets more and more a popular to say that an organisation is implementing quality management, but where does it start and where does it end?

Quality Management doesn't start at the moment the decision is made that an organisation should get some kind of quality certificate, it doesn't start at the moment an organisation gets a quality manager, it starts right at the beginning of an organisation. At least there it should start. Although that isn't the case with most organisations, the ones which did, have the best chance to reach the top of the market and survive over the others.

When an organisation starts, it should know their potential customers and their needs. Therefore you need to get in contact with your customers and build a relationship in mutual respect and understanding. There you have your start with Quality Management. That is before you even have produced a single product.

Getting your product in place is another step in Quality Management. During the production process you have to keep track of all the steps a product undergoes, without making a difference between touchable products and some kind of service. Every step in the process has to be described in a way that you can make a comparison between the actual product and the specifications. Like this you can constantly check the quality of your product and see if it is still within the quality margins.

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Facility Management
A profession that should be taken seriously

Facility management is the practice of coordinating the physical workplace with the people and work of the organisation; it integrates principles of business administration, architecture and the behavioral and engineering sciences. Facility management combines management practices with the most current technical knowledge to provide humane and effective work environments. The facility manager's role is to be a generalist managing teams of specialists (architects, engineers, designers, technicians, etc.) to plan, provide, and manage a productive work environment.